Thursday, August 6, 2009

Chapter Two-Enemy

Foxsong woke up to a yowl.He jumped to his feet and ran to the the warriors entrance.When he looked outside he saw another clan holding all of the cats in MoonClan.One cat,who Foxsong believed was the leader stepped forward to confront Wolfstar.

"Hello Wolfstar"

The leader spat.

"Hello.Who arw you and why are you here?"

Wolfstar said while looking up and down this cat carefully.

"I am Russettalon.Leader of FlameClan!"

Foxsong let a hiss escape him.But when he did that he regretted.Russettalon swung his broad head to face Foxsong.Russettalon swept his dark brown eyes over the cats standing at the den entrance.Then he rested his eyes on Foxsong.Russettalon smirked.Then he threw himself at Foxsong.Foxsong looked to his left.He saw Smallpaw running over.Smallpaw threw herself in front of Foxsong.Blocking him from Russettaoln's deadly attack.Smallpaw fell to the ground bleeding,and barely breathing,as Russettalon jumped away.But Wolfstar jumped onto Russettalon.

"How dare you hurt one of my cats!"

Wolfstar hissed then bit Russettalon's shoulder.Russettalon threw Wolfstar off.He turned and faced Wolfstar.But then Foxsong was on Russettalon's back.He spun Russettalon around so Foxsong and Russetalon were eye to eye.Foxsong bit down hard on Russettalon's throat.Russettalon fell to the ground.Lifeless.But soon he started to breath again.Russettalon slowly stood up to see his warriors gone and Foxsong growling.

"Leave!Or die again!"

Foxsong hissed and lashed out his front paw.He skimmed Russettalon's nose.Blood started to come out.then Russettalon hissed and ran out the entrance.Foxsong turned his attention to Smallpaw.Stars started to creep into her fur.Foxsong walked up to Wolfstar.

"Wolfstar.I think you should give her her warrior name."

Foxsong said while hanging his head.

"Why?She won't make it will she?I know she won't.But I want to believe she will."

Wolfstar walked up to Smallpaw,his apprentice,and pressed his nose to her side.Foxsong hung his head.

"She won't make it."

I know that this is a short chapter!Sorry!


  1. How come Russettalon is not Russetstar? What a strange cat!

  2. That is weird. I think that LIttlepaw's warrior name should be Littlesparkle, or LIttlespots. If the leader's ending name was always something else, she could have Been LIttlestar.

  3. change her name to bigheart because i think thats a cool name or Brightlove.
