Friday, July 24, 2009

Chapter One-Questions

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the StarRock for a clan meeting!"

Foxpaw ran out of the apprentices den as Wolfstar yowled and cats started to come out of the dens.

"There are five apprentices that will be becoming warriors!Foxpaw,Pinepaw,Silverpaw and Wingpaw.Please step forward."

Foxpaw half ran,half walked forward.His siblings were doing the same.But all of them were tripping over their paws in eagerness.

"Nightshadow,Cloudpelt,Skyfeather, and Sparrowbranch.Are you satisfied with your apprentices?"

Wolfstar asked.

"I am."

The mentors all said all at the same time.

"Then it is time that these four apprentices became warriors.

I, Wolfstar, leader of Moonclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon this apprentice.They have trained hard to learn the ways of you noble code, and I give
them to you as warriors in turn.

Silverpaw,Foxpaw,Pinepaw,and Wingpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect and defend your clan even at the cost of your life?[ says I do]
Then by the powers of StarClan I grant you your warrior names!

Silverpaw,from this moment you shall be known as Silverstripe.
Wingpaw,from this moment you shall be known as Wingheart.
Pinepaw,from this moment you shall be known Pinefall.
Foxpaw,from this moment you shall be known as Foxsong.

StarClan honours your bravery,strength,courage,and loyalty.

Also.Sunpaw.You shall be receiving your full medicine cat name tonight.Since it is the half moon."


Foxsong looked at his siblings.Pinefall was still starry.Since that day when they were kits.Pinefall has been starry since.Foxsong has talked to his father Wolfstar a lot.And Wolfstar said that he did still here the ringing.Since that day.They both knew that one day Pinefall would die.

Foxsong,Pinefall,Silverstripe and Wingheart,walked to the center of the camp to sit vigil.During the night cats slowly came into the camp.Before they could yowl a cat leapt onto Pinefall and slit his throat.Foxsong yowled and saw that a quarter of the cats were starry.But he knew they were not StarClan cats.He looked at Pinefall.Feeling sorrow.But then a starry cat leaped on top of him.But Foxsong quickly bit the cats throat and the cat went still.

The clan fought for most of the night.Moonclan eventually drove out the intruders.The clan was tired and hurt.But no cats were starry.

"Wolfstar.The intruders.A quarter of them were starry.And there is a quarter of cats here that are dead.I can know what cats are going to die.But you can only hear it.No cats in Moonclan are going to die."

Foxsong said assuring Wolfstar.

"That's very good.But Pinefall just became a warrior."

Wolfstar said while hanging his head.

"I have one question."

Foxsong mewed.

"What is it?"

Wolfstar asked confused.

"What kind of cat am I?"

What name do you like better?

Death Watcher


Dark Sight


Death Watcher is like Death Listener...

But just tell me what you like!


  1. Death Watcher becuase Dark Sight is an actual warrior book.

  2. it is awesome, and I thought the book was Dark River.

  3. me to, Also, i like the death sight or dark vision would be better. But if you want one or the other it would be dark sight. Also it is NOT a book currently!

  4. Foxstar: It is, this is her own story.

    I like Dark Sight!

  5. Dark Sight actually a real warriors book anyway.

  6. oops! Sorry, Dreamstar. I had forgotten my 'isn't' in there..... I knew it wasn't one but I'm awful at typing. =)

  7. i like both names but i like dark sight more
