Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Wolfkit's ears were ringing with pain.He did not know why.He heard something.Something that was terrifying.He woke his mother,Rainwater.

"Mommy!We have to go!Please we have to go!"

"Calm down Wolfkit.Did you have a bad dream.Don't worry.All is fine now."

"No I did not have a bad dream!Please!Something bad is going to happen!Please we have to leave the camp!"

"Shhhhh.Don't worry.Tomorrow you will be able to leave,when you become an apprentice.But right now it is dark,and you are still a kit.Be quiet,or you will wake up Reedkit,Mosskit,Runningkit,and Featherkit."

"But Mommy!We have to leave!Please!I am so scared!Please!The noise!The noise is scary!"

"Mommy?What is wrong with Wolfkit?"

"Reedkit go back to sleep.Wolfkit just had a bad dream that's all.Don't worry I have it under control."

"Okay.[What's wrong with Wolfkit?Ya.Ya.Ya.]"

"Mosskit,Runningkit,Featherkit,and Reedkit.Please go back to sleep."

"Please Mommy!We have to leave now!The noise is louder then before!Please!Please![Wailing]
Please just listen!The noise is so loud!I can barely hear!"

"Wolfkit!You are going to wake the whole camp!Now just go back to sl-[Just then a huge wolf crashes into the nursery,and grabs Rainwater]

"MOMMY![Then it grabs Reedkit,Mosskit,Runnngkit,and Featherkit]NOOOOOO!MOSSKIT!REEDKIT!RUNNINGKIT!FEATHERKIT!WHY!!!!
[Then the wolf thrusts its muzzle at Wolfkit.Wolfkit is cowering on the ground as the big wolf sniffs him,then leaves.Wolfkit's mother,and brothers and sisters have joined StarClan in a cruel way]PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!!!!

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