Friday, July 24, 2009

Chapter One-Questions

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the StarRock for a clan meeting!"

Foxpaw ran out of the apprentices den as Wolfstar yowled and cats started to come out of the dens.

"There are five apprentices that will be becoming warriors!Foxpaw,Pinepaw,Silverpaw and Wingpaw.Please step forward."

Foxpaw half ran,half walked forward.His siblings were doing the same.But all of them were tripping over their paws in eagerness.

"Nightshadow,Cloudpelt,Skyfeather, and Sparrowbranch.Are you satisfied with your apprentices?"

Wolfstar asked.

"I am."

The mentors all said all at the same time.

"Then it is time that these four apprentices became warriors.

I, Wolfstar, leader of Moonclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon this apprentice.They have trained hard to learn the ways of you noble code, and I give
them to you as warriors in turn.

Silverpaw,Foxpaw,Pinepaw,and Wingpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect and defend your clan even at the cost of your life?[ says I do]
Then by the powers of StarClan I grant you your warrior names!

Silverpaw,from this moment you shall be known as Silverstripe.
Wingpaw,from this moment you shall be known as Wingheart.
Pinepaw,from this moment you shall be known Pinefall.
Foxpaw,from this moment you shall be known as Foxsong.

StarClan honours your bravery,strength,courage,and loyalty.

Also.Sunpaw.You shall be receiving your full medicine cat name tonight.Since it is the half moon."


Foxsong looked at his siblings.Pinefall was still starry.Since that day when they were kits.Pinefall has been starry since.Foxsong has talked to his father Wolfstar a lot.And Wolfstar said that he did still here the ringing.Since that day.They both knew that one day Pinefall would die.

Foxsong,Pinefall,Silverstripe and Wingheart,walked to the center of the camp to sit vigil.During the night cats slowly came into the camp.Before they could yowl a cat leapt onto Pinefall and slit his throat.Foxsong yowled and saw that a quarter of the cats were starry.But he knew they were not StarClan cats.He looked at Pinefall.Feeling sorrow.But then a starry cat leaped on top of him.But Foxsong quickly bit the cats throat and the cat went still.

The clan fought for most of the night.Moonclan eventually drove out the intruders.The clan was tired and hurt.But no cats were starry.

"Wolfstar.The intruders.A quarter of them were starry.And there is a quarter of cats here that are dead.I can know what cats are going to die.But you can only hear it.No cats in Moonclan are going to die."

Foxsong said assuring Wolfstar.

"That's very good.But Pinefall just became a warrior."

Wolfstar said while hanging his head.

"I have one question."

Foxsong mewed.

"What is it?"

Wolfstar asked confused.

"What kind of cat am I?"

What name do you like better?

Death Watcher


Dark Sight


Death Watcher is like Death Listener...

But just tell me what you like!

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Wolfstar's kits were playing outside.

"This is what you get for hurting our clan!"

Foxkit leaps at Pinekit and pretends to bite his throat.Pinekit slowly falls to the ground and tries to stay still.Riverclaw lets out a mrrow of laughter.

'Wolfstar.The kits are trying to be you.Foxkit really likes replaying the time when you killed Fang and you found out that you were going to be the leader.

"Is it really me you want as your leader!"

Foxkit said in a high squeaky voice as Pinekit,Silverkit and Wingkit chanted.


"Oh almighty Foxstar.Can I be the leader this time?"

Pinekit said while dipping his head.

"Yes.You will be my deputy.Pinekit.I crown you deputy of Moonclan and I give you your warrior name.From this moment you shall be known as...Pinetail!StarClan hounours your playfullness and coyrage!"

Foxkit said raising his voice the the whole clan looked over.

"Pinetail.I am on my last life and I hope you take care of my clan when I di-"

Silverkit had pretended to be Silver and pretended to stab Foxkit in the back."Killing" him.


Pinekit wailed.

"Pinetail.Take good care of the clan,Pinestar."

Foxkit said then "died".

"I will Foxstar.I will"

Pinekit said then hung his head.


Silverkit,Wingkit and Foxkit chanted.

"Oh almighty Pinestar.What would you like me to do?"

Foxkit asked.

"Go get me some prey!"

Pinekit ordered him.Foxkit looks up.


Foxkit stopped and started to shake in fear.


Foxkit wailed.

"My name is Pinestar!How dare you call me Pinekit!"

Pinekit squeaked.

"Enough of the game Pinekit!Why can I see the elders den when you are standing in the way!You're all starry!"

Foxkit wailed and ran over to Riverclaw.

"Huh?Foxkit.I'm not starry...Silverkit?Am I starry?"

Pinekit asked Silverkit.

"No?I don't know what is wrong with him?"

Silverkit said.

"Mom!Why is Pinekit starry!And why can I see through him!"

Foxkit wailed and curled up to Riverclaw.

"I can't see through him.You are probably just imagining stuff.He's also not starry.Only StarClan cats are starry."

Riverclaw said purring.But Wolfstar froze when he heard that Pinekit was starry.Then Wolfstar heard the ringing that he had not heard for many moons.

"Riverclaw.I don't think he's imagining it.I think he is telling the truth.Because I hear the ringing."

Monday, July 6, 2009

Dark Sight



Leader-Wolfstar-black tom with black eyes and gray streaks-mate-Riverclaw

Deputy-Sparrowbranch-brown tom with amber eyes and white spots

Medicine Cat-Swallowpond-gray tom with water blue eyes and white paws
Medicine Cat Apprentice-Sunreed-golden tom with amber eyes and black ears


Soarwing-gray tom with amber eyes and white paws
Cloudpelt-fluffy white she-cat with blue eyes and black stripes
Shrewstone-brown tom with green eyes and black/white stripes
Nightshadow-black tom with green eyes and tip of tail white
Skyfeather-blue/gray she-cat with blue eyes and black stripes
Tawnyflame-tawny tom with gold eyes and brown ears
Blacktail-brown tom with amber eyes and white stripes,black tail
Riverclaw-blue/gray she-cat with gray eyes and black paws-mate-Wolfsong
Silverstripe-black she-cat with green eyes eyes and white stripes
Wingheart-golden/brown she-cat with blue eyes and golden streaks
Foxsong-black tom with black eyes and gray streaks


Smallpaw-gray she-cat with gray eyes and some white stripes
Patchpaw-tortoiseshell she-cat with yellow eyes and black patches
Leopardpaw-golden tom with amber eyes and black spots
Tigerpaw-golden tom with blue eyes and black stripes
Lionpaw-golden tom with gold eyes and thick neck fur


Pinefall-tortoiseshell she-cat with blue eyes and a white tail




Leader-Russettalon-brown tom with brown eyes and black stripes


Driftclaw-pale brown she-cat with brown eyes and white stripes
Nightfang-black tom with green eyes and long fangs
Blackjaw-white tom with blue eyes and a black jaw
Hawkthorn-brown she-cat with amber eyes and sharp claws
Thistletooth-brown she-cat with yellow eyes and sharp teeth
Thornbush-gray she-cat with hazel eyes and brown stripes
Moonthistle-white tom with heather eyes and black stripes
Jaggedclaw-heather tom with blue eyes and jagged claws
Crookedheart-blue/gray tom with gold eyes and 'no heart'
Bumblesting-tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes and black claws
Briarthorn-brown she-cat with gray eyes and black streaks
Rosethorn-white she-cat with green eyes and gray paws
Ivyheart-blue/gray tom with yellow eyes and white streaks

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Chapter Nine-Ending

Heathersky ran for days and days.She ran past where the other wolves were.Silver,Storm,Shadow,Star,Night,Thunder,Lake and Moon.They followed.They were hungry and needed the food.Heathersky led them far from the territory.As far as she could run before she got tired.Then three sunrises later.The wolves got her,and killed.But they did not know where they were.

"Um.Silver where are we?This doesn't look like that other forest...what are we going to do?"Storm whined anxiously.

"I don't know Storm.It's starting to rain.We will never find our way back now.I guess we will have to live in this forest."Silver said calmly

"But Silver!I don't smell any cats!"Storm howled

"Storm!What I say is what you follow!We are living here from now on!We will find prey to eat!Don't worry!"snarled Silver


Wolfstar and Riverclaw made there way back to MoonClan.

"Did StarClan accept you,Wolfstar?"Swallowpond asked curiously.

"Yes I have received my nine lives and my new name,Wolfstar.Is everyone fine here?StarClan said that one would not be here?And the ringing stopped?Did the wolves come again?"

"Yes,Wolfstar,and no.The wolves came like I thought.But the clan had left the camp and climbed trees.Except for Heathersky.She volunteered to be bait.Her mate and kits were dead.She could not live here anymore.She wanted to be with them."Swallowpond said nervously.

"What!Poor Heathersky.That's why the ringing stopped.They must have got her.Let's hope the wolves are far,far away."Wolfsong hung his head and jumped onto the Star Rock.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the StarRock for a clan meeting!"cats started to pour out of the dens.

"I have just found out about Heathersky!She was a brave warrior and we will honour her tonight!Let's hope she has found peace in StarClan with her mate and kits!We will sit vigil for her tonight.

Also I have gone to the Moon Pool and received my nine lives!My name is now Wolfstar.I need to appoint a new deputy!

I say this in the eyes of StarClan and Leafriver,and Wingstar,so that they may see and approve my choice!

Sparrowbranch you have proved yourself worthy and capable of taking on the role of deputy.You shall be the new deputy of MoonClan!

In other news.Riverclaw is my mate and she is expecting my kits!

Sparrowbranch.I want some patrols to go out and make sure the wolves are really gone!That is all!"Wolfstar leaped down from the StarRock and sprinted over to Riverclaw.

"Wolfstar.Our kits are going to be beautiful.And I hope they are as brave as you."Riverclaw said with pride.

"I do too Riverclaw."Wolfstar answered.



Swallowpond.What are we going to do about the wolves.They must have heard you say that Wolfsong will be the new leader.They will attack tonight."Heathersky said in concern.

"You're right Heathersky.We will climb into the trees tonight."Swallowpond said calmly.

"But the wolves will still be here!I will lead them out of the territory.My mate and kits are dead.I want to be with them.I miss them so much."Heathersky said sadly.

"Never!Heathersky,you are needed in this clan."Swallowpond said.

"But I don't want to be here!I want to be with them."Heathersky said pleading.

"Okay.Tonight when they come you will appear and run.Run as far and as fast as you can.You are our only hope to save the clan"Swallowpond said giving up.

"Thank-you Swallowpond.Thank-you so much"Heathersky said.

"Do not thank me.It is your destiny."Swallowpond said.


Five moons later.

"Riverclaw.They will make fine warriors once they are apprentices."Wolfstar said.

"I know.Silverkit,Sunkit,Wingkit,Foxkit and Pinekit come here for some fresh-kill.And I want you to take a nap.Okay?"Riverclaw said.

"Sure Mother!"Foxkit and the others chorused.

"Foxkit looks exactly like you.And he has the same personality as you.He will be a great warrior someday."Riverclaw told Wolfstar.

"I know.Let's just hope he's not a Death Listener,like me,too."Wolfstar said while laughing.

"I love you Wolfstar.I am so glad that there are no threats anymore."Riverclaw said while looking at Wolfstar.

"Ya.For now though.A threat we have never faced is coming.And fast."

The End!

Chapter Eight-Lives

"Welcome Wolfsong."

"Thank-you.I am here to receive my nine lives.If i am truly who you wish to lead the clan."

"You are.Since you were born you were a leader.You grew up being a leader.Cats looked up to you because of your bravery and determination."

"I know."

"It is time to receive your first life."

"Wait.Who are you?"

"I am Moonstar the first leader of Moonclan."Leafriver stepped forward.

"Hello Wolfsong.You were lucky enough to reach the Moon Pool safely.Unlike me.With this life I give you courage.Use it well in defense of you clan."Leafiver stepped back.Wolfsong felt a sharp pain go through him then quickly pass.

"Thank-you Leafriver.You would have made a fine leader too."

Next came Stonefang.

"Hello.With this life i give you justice.Use it well to judge the actions of others."pain stabbed Wolfsong and memories flooded back from when his family was killed.

Next came Rainwater.

"Hello my son.With this life I give you loyalty to do what you know to be right."A painful memory of Rainwater refusing to leave when Wolfsong begged her to.

Next came Smokestorm.

"Hello Wolfsong.You were a great friend but you will be an even better leader.With this life I give you tireless energy.Use it well to carry out the duties of a leader."Wolfsong paws burned and his heart shook with pain.

Next came Sunkit.

"Hello.With this life I give you protection.Use it well to care for your clan as a mother cares for her kits."The pain and suffering of Heathersky trying to protect her kits sent a strong sharp pain through his body.

Next came Thrushpaw.

"Hello Wolfsong.With this life I give you mentoring.Use it well to train the young cats of your clan."Wolfsong felt his paws burn with this life.

Next came Reedpond.
"Hello brother.With this life I give you compassion.Use it well for the elders of your clan,and the sick,and all those weaker then yourself."Wolfsong felt a pang of worry for his clan as the pain shot through him.

The next cat to step forward was Dawnheart.

"Hello.With this life I give you love.Use it well for all the cats in your care."The pain that he expected was not there.But love and images of Riverclaw was.

The last cat to step forward was Wingstar.

"Welcome Wolfsong.With this life I give you nobility and cetainty and faith.Use it well as you lead your clan in the ways of StarClan and the warrior code."Searing pain shot through Wolfsong.This pain burned his heart and gave him the faith to lead his clan.

"I hail you by your new name,Wolfstar!Your old life is no more.You have now received the nine lives of a leader,and StarClan grants you guardianship of MoonClan!Defend it well;care for the young and old;honor your ancestors and the traditions of the warrior code;live each life with pride and dignity.Use each life to the fullest and use each life living for your clan."


"But when you go back to your clan,Wolfstar,one will not be there,and never again will be there.The times will be different,and your clan will live peacefully for many moons to come.Good-bye Wolfstar."

Wolfstar woke up beside the Moon Pool.He looked over and saw Riverclaw waiting for him.

"Hello Wolfstar.Let's go back to your clan now."

Chapter Nine Coming Soon!
[I know that chapter was just about his lives.But i promise you I will have the next chapter out in a few days!]

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Chapter Seven-Ambush

"Swallowpond?Are you really sure that I am the new leader!How could I be a leader?I was made a warrior seven sunrises ago!I just don't get it..."

"Wolfsong.You killed a full grown wolf.To me.That is a sign.That if you are strong enough to kill a wolf.Then you are strong enough to lead a clan.You should be happy."

"But.How am I supposed to get to the Moon Pool,if the wolves would just kill me first?"

"Oh don't worry.I'll take care of that."

"But we can't risk any more warriors!We need more kits..."

"Just get going before it gets dark!"

"Fine.I'll get Riverclaw to come with me.

Wolfsong and Riverclaw set out to the Moon Pool.No wolves attacked.The forest was silent.But there was a faint ringing.The silence and the ringing worried Wolfsong greatly.What would the wolves do next?Riverclaw and Wolfsong reached the Moon Pool right as the moon was reaching it's full height.Right when Wolfsong touched his nose to the cool water,the ringing was painfully loud.But Wolfsong was already fading into StarClan at that time.


"I don't smell the Death Listener Blackness.Silver was right"Cloud said.

"Of course he was right!Don't ever say that he wasn't right!"Blackness snarled.

"Sorry Blackness."Cloud cringed and fell to the ground in submissive behavior.

"Get up rabbit-dirt.We need to stay quiet.We will go when the moon rises."

The moon slowly rose.When the moon reached it's full height Blackness,Claw and Cloud burst their way into the camp.Blackness saw Heathersky running through the hole that the wolves created the other day.The wolves pursued her.

"Bad idea to run!"

Chapter Eight coming soon!
[was that the way you like my chapters?:D]

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Chaper Six-Revenge

"How dare that cat do this to me!I am half blind now!And he killed Fang!He will pay!I should have killed him many seasons ago![growls]Blackness.If anything happens to me you will be the new leader!Fang would have been a great leader,but no!That Death Listener had to get in the way!Blackness!"Silver looked at Blackness.

"Yes Silver.What would you like me to do."

"I want you to go to the camp tonight.If what Swallowpond said is true.Then Wolfsong will be going to the Moon Pool to get his nine lives.Attack the camp,and grab as many cats as you can.I want that clan gone!Bring the cats back.I want to kill them myself.I want to give them a slow painful death.But this time it will be different.Wolfsong will not be there.Bring Claw and Cloud.Storm would have gone too.But she is close to having pups.My pups.More wolves for the clan."Silver grins.

"Okay.Claw and Cloud.Let's go!"Blackness runs off with Claw and Cloud.

"Finally.I will get my revenge"

(I know it is short,but it was Silver talking and stuff.So i thought that it could be shorter.Also i know that no one likes it.That's okay.I think.[cries])